16 April 2007

Virtual Rape...

I found this article very interesting...and almost like a story. When I found out they actually killed Mr. Bungle I caught myself feeling like a character just died in a book I was reading. I understand the complexity of feeling within a virtual world for people who encapsulate themselves daily in something like MOO, but seriously? That's like me, being someone who plays Counter Strike, asking for the account of a fellow player being deleted because on his mic he screamed and cursed at me.

It's almost like the characters in MOO forget it is a virtual world, and they place their real life emotions inside of it. Personally, if I had been a "victim", of course I would have been confused as I did not emote such an action, and of course I would be frustrated or angered, and maybe think this person shouldn't have an account. But as to take it so far as this event? Maybe I am more tolerant to such acts as a younger individual who has grown up around virtual realities. I used to play an MMORPG and I my character was me, my actions and opinions. But there were the characters who were "evil" they were criminals and murderers...they were outcasts not allowed in cities because they stole from people and killed them, and their names were written in red so people would know who they were. I didn't question that persons RL intentions or ask why he would dare do such a thing in a virtual life. It's just a character. Sometimes in Counter Strike I get bored and decide to kill everyone on my team...does that make me a murderer or a bad person or should I be toaded?

Maybe someone will get offended for my lack of compassion in this blog for the victims of Mr. Bungle, and maybe I am being heartless for my lack of sympathy for virtual humiliation. I guess I've just never felt so emotionally attached. I know I would feel embarrassed...but would do no more than justify my innocence and probably virtually threaten and argue my enemy as so many do online, which I find arguments over the internet hilarious. "I'll kick your ass". "No I'll kick your ass." "Oh Yeah?" So funny to me when people do that online. I think this article is a good example of how people can become obsessed with the internet. Drawing the line between what is real and what isn't is become less and less clear. Do we punish this person in RL because of his virtual data? I think it is ludicrous...but that's just me.

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