16 April 2007


First I would just like to say that I was a nerd for a good 2 years of my life. By nerd I mean played online computer games at least 8 hours a day. Yes that was alot and yes I wouldnt have changed it for the world. When I was on the MOO during class I thought it was pretty weak in comparison. Not to be crude but theres just no way that a text adventure could ever beat a high intense graphic adventure. Then I started thinking about how much an MMORPG costs. And for those of you who dont know its Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. It costs 50 for the game. Then probably like 10 every month that you play. Something along those lines. The MOO is free and you can basically go exploring in text based rooms and chat with people in text. Maybe its just me but if I had the chance to choose which to do I would go with the MMORPG. I mean the lands that you go and do adventures on are graphically beautiful. The people you see are all detailed by themselves so you have no 2 same charecters. Then I think how the MMORPG was like another life and it took up way too much of my real life. So I will just stick with the MOO when I want an online adventure haha.


Jeremy M. said...

Forrest I really can't see you gaming 8 hours a day online. Sure, I can maybe see you gaming for say 6 or 7 hours but no way 8. I never got into video games of any kind, console or pc. I always sucked at them and never had the patience or desire to get better. For me, video games generally ranked below playing outside. Until I got a PS 2 and found the glory of SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs. Damn what a game! I spent hours (not 8) sneaking around different online maps, sniping terrorist, resecuing hostages, blowing stuff up...awesome. Plus I could talk to other guys playing online as well. I loved telling my teammates how bad they suck and where they could take their sucky selves. Still, the love affair couldn't last. I turned 21 and found out beer taste pretty good...and pretty much forgot about video games. LambdaMOO was fun though. I enjoyed exploring the creative places people created. Searching through different areas was novel and enjoyable and even though I kept to myself it was still a good time. So, I can't really call you a nerd Forrest, that'd be hypocritical.

Unknown said...

While you seem to enjoy the visual appeal of the Massive multiplayer online role playing games I feel that others enjoy building their visuals online games through words allowing them to create a new identity but on that does not have to be tied down by aesthetics. I also think the people choosing to play MOOUD are playing for more social reasons and less for achieving a new skill or mastering a new level. It seems to be more of a social online community rather than an online game. In this sense it makes sense that the MOOUD is dull to me and most of the class who enjoy visual gaming but there is a niche market for everything.