16 April 2007

RL Just another WIndow

I really enjoyed Turkle's reading over MUDs and computer consciousness. She weaved very entertaining interviews in with her analysis of the online communities and the virtual identities they contain. I have not been involved in many virtual online spaces other than trying second life or Lambdamoo in class. They do not strike my interest. I guess I do not have a need at this time to express myself through an online identity, like the guy who uses MUDs to have online sexual affairs or the women who takes on a man's role to become apart of the dialogue between men. But maybe I'll find an interest in another aspect of having a online identity as time goes on.

I loved how Turkle takes input from children for her research. The quotes she gets from those kids are extremely clear and poignant. These kids she speaks to see life within "the lifeless," computers, robots and describe our similarities and differences within such inanimate objects like I had not critically thought about before this reading. The pinochio quote was fantastic. Talking about how Pinnochio was always alive as a doll and as a boy. This kid used the story to illuminate the soul or life within inanimate objects specifically computers in this discussion. The consciousness of computers and robotics can be understood through this quote. Is consciousness a human/animal monopoly? I think not and although we are quite a ways from conscious building on the level of human understanding we are well on our way to understanding the mobility of life through technology.

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