06 March 2007

You will find it Everyware!!!

Thesis 34 touched on smart-ware which we'd all like to have today. I still like to think back at what it was like before we had certain technologies. People wanted their houses to be cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. We have achieved that with air conditioners, so what's next? Now I'd like the house to sense what room I'm in and set the temperature automatically to my preferences. The integration will be seamless, much like the a/c, but we haven't reached that level. Our grandparents and even parents were amazed by inventions like the refrigerator and air conditioners but now they are common place. I won't lease another apartment for the summer until I know the A/C works properly. We just haven't reached the age of smart-wares that the book is talking about. Thesis 35 touches the personal data issue that's been an ongoing problem. No one would track your body's data before because they couldn't. Now that they can, security and privacy issues arise again. Integration into society will help these devices survive. Before it was theoretically impossible to track someone's whereabouts, but with cell phones so common place right now, anyone's a potential target. (if that technology exists, which I'm sure it does) The only problem is that few people stop to think of new and fascinating technologies as a threat. The general population's wants and desires will determine the success or failure of this integration.


Ross H said...

I definitely agree with the fact that smart houses are the wave of the future. I think Bill Gates' house is a smart house already. Being able to call your house and have them turn on the oven for you is a luxury that many will most likely be a reality in the near future. I am sure there will be many other innovations that will make the "smart house" quite the place to be.

I do not really understand the point of these "smart-chips". They seem like glorified tracking devices. I really do not understand what the purpose even is. I was pretty interested in the way that in the future when we meet people we will be on a social network, similar to facebook, where your common friends will show. That would be a good thing for me because I can never remember anyones name.

Taylor P said...

I think one reason fears or concerns are easily thwarted because most people aren't that passionate about them. I think that many people can be calmed by simple modifications. Such as facebook. People were going nuts over that, the creators simply enabled new privacy settings and the talk subsided rather quickly. That is not to say people are happy with the change, only that they have settled. These new technologies come out and attack some personal privacies that concern a certain generation, but only for a limited time. Something new will be invented, there will be a general problem, simple changes will be made, and the invention will stay, and we'll settle.