05 March 2007

News and Journalists

In Communication in History, it points out “the extent in which television news had come to fascinate, if not obsess, the nation.” I am not sure what type of news fascinated the people back in the early years of television but I am sure it was news about politics, wars, sports, and not so much of the “bull” we are fascinated with today. I hate to be inconsiderate but I don’t think Anna Nicole Smith is all that news worthy. I mean sure she was an extravagant TV personality that captured her audiences attention with her odd performances but there are far more worthy things that should be at the fore front of today’s news. I think there is way to much of this type of news flooding the TV.
The journalist first starting out discovering and presenting the news probably had no idea how much their work would impact society. Journalist now days are visiting dangerous countries to investigate atrocities to humanity, shed light on the progress of wars, and various other things. But above all journalists are risking their lives in order to bring this news to the public. And I believe there efforts are not in vain as we use the information they have provided and either make the proper changes ourselves or call upon legislature or other government officials to make the changes.


S.Kodali said...

Television has become very broad in its content. Anna Nicole was featured on many of the major news networks becasue our society does revolve around celebrities when it comes to any type of media TV, magazines, radio, etc.

I am really impressed with todays coverage in situations such as the Iraq War where some news reporters risk thier lives in feeding us valuable information.

Ronnie R said...

I agree, sometimes it gets a little ridiculous what people consider top importance news. It seems like today people care more about what celeberties are getting married or are being broken up by an unusual dispute that they care about scanels in politics. It seems like we only want to be entertained, and if its not entertaining then we don’t want to watch it. This is the reason why the News has to make their shows up beat and interesting because of the fear that they will lose their audience. It’s kind of funny because there are tons of people who get their news “info” from such shows like John Stewart and the Colbert report rather than getting it from an actual news show. Now I don’t want to be a hipocrite and say that its bad because I’m not too big a fan of the news and I’m a little embarrased to say that I don’t know too much about whats going on in Washington or Iraq, but this is the direction that the population is heading, wanting more entertainment.

Forrest L said...

I also agree. Anna Nicole is weak weak news. I mean why are we so involved with these celebrities. Why do they create all the new fashions? Why does my mom look at celebrity styles everyday? I mean yes they have money and are all glamerous but seriously I dont give a care in the world about these. It makes news a waste of time. I dont care about britney shaving her head. I dont care about her tats and drug use. Just give me something more is all I ask. Enough with the celebrity BS!!!