29 March 2007

Some interesting articles re: IT and, of course, society.

The two links below deal with IT and its impact on society.

The first deals with the use of virtual reality in the treatment of soldiers suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. Interesting to see how IT coalesces with society, in this case through queuing the the stress which causes the debilitating fear in veterans through the manipulation of VR instead of hypnosis or other means. VR puts the patient back in the violent stressful scenario but allows the experience to be associated with a safe environment. I can imagine the spread of this technique beyond PTSD into the treatment of phobias etc. Neat.

The second recounts the dispute between a law professor and the NFL and, by proxy, Youtube over the posting by the professor of a NFL game. I found it interesting because we can see how IT continues to reshape our society, in this case our legal system and the rights, vis-a-vis, of individuals and corporations.

Using virtual reality in treating post traumatic stress disorder in veterans of the war in Iraq: http://www.defense-update.com/products/v/VR-PTSD.htm

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