05 February 2007

At A Standstill....

It is amazing when you look back at the beginning stages of the development for a technology that is used so frequently in our everyday lives. It's hard to believe that almost 3 decades ago, the world was connected by a wire, via land and even water, to communicate and now where wire is not convenient, we replace it by wireless technology. With the victorian internet as an example of an invention created many many years ago, have we come to a standstill in developing new technologies?

Transportation (such as cars, planes, etc), ways of communication (tv, radio, internet, etc) and medicine have only been improved since the time they were created. But what have we developed lately that is truly new and original? We have developed so fast in the world of science and technology that we are almost left with nothing else to invent. This is probably not much of a concern right now considering we still have many things left to discover, mainly in the medical field such as the cure for AIDS and cancer. So what happens when we accomplish that? Will we become bored and eventually just let the computers run our lives? The idea seems crazy, but what big advances to do we have left? I guess the next step may be continuing to pursue life on other planets. Who knows!

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