29 January 2007

A world without literacy in any aspect would fail to spur any technological and social achievements. The mind uses a memory that is unable to do an activity twice in exactly the same way. It is with improvisation and recall ability that one can do certain activities more than one way. This is why basketball players that shoot free throws well will still miss about 3 out of 10 in the long run. Writing is a necessity for the human race to prosper in this world through technology and brain stimulating ideas.

Although technology is already a key component in our society, I do not believe that our world will be such advanced as Greenfield wants us to believe. It is possible that tiny chips will over run pretty much everything in this world, there is something missing, and that is SECURITY and DEPENDABILITY. Computers are strongly limited to what they are programmed to do. Even computers Artificial Intelligence is only some programmer’s written composition in deciphering what the human brain will do next. I do believe that computers will take a huge part of our lives, but the process will be slow. People still do not fully trust the internet yet due to hackers and information fraud. We are dealing with piraters and thieves who eat away at social trust between technological communication, safety, and Entrapanuership.

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